Welcome to The Depreciation Lands Museum

Washington and Lafayette- An Enduring Friendship

By Jonathan Klemens, FSA-Scot Author and Historian Marquis de Lafayette Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, was born in 1757 into a wealthy land-owning family in Chavaniac, south-central France. He had no siblings. He once joked, “I was baptized like a Spaniard, with the name of every conceivable saint who might offer me more protection in battle.” At the age of twelve, his mother and grandfather died, leaving him a young, very wealthy orphan. He followed the family’s martial tradition and was commissioned an officer at age 13. When he was sixteen, Lafayette married Marie Adrienne Francoise de Noailles (age 14), allying with one of France’s wealthiest families. On June 13, 1777, the 19-year-old French aristocrat left his home against the King’s order. He sailed on the La Victoire and eluded two British ships sailing into Charlestown, SC. He intended to serve as General Washington’s second-in-command. He asked for two favors: to serve as a volunteer and at his own expense. Meeting George Washington George Washington, at age 45 (26 years his senior), first met the 19-year-old Marquis de Lafayette at City Tavern in Philadelphia on July 31, 1777. They immediately became friends, but more like a father-son relationship. On August 5, 1777, the Continental Congress appointed Lafayette as a volunteer Major General, assigning the Marquis to serve on Washington’s staff as his aide-de-camp. The Marquis later named his only son George Washington Lafayette out of respect for Washington. After recovering from a leg wound during the Philadelphia Campaign of 1777, Lafayette returned to aid the American war effort in Virginia, serving in the successful siege of Yorktown in 1781. After maneuvering more than a thousand miles, Lafayette cornered Cornwallis at Yorktown. On October 19, Cornwallis surrendered after nine days of intense artillery fire. Visiting Pittsburgh On Lafayette’s nostalgic return trip, he was greeted by massive crowds of citizens. From August 1824 to September 1825, Lafayette visited all 24 states of the Union, covering over 6,000 miles. He visited the tomb of his dear friend and comrade George Washington at Mount Vernon, a testament to their enduring friendship. In Massachusetts, he renewed his friendship with John Adams, and in Virginia, he spent a week visiting Thomas Jefferson. He traveled through Lawrenceville, the Allegheny Arsenal, into Pittsburgh. Lafayette passed through the future Shaler and Hampton townships via the “Pittsburgh-Butler Turnpike” section on Mt. Royal Blvd. He traveled in his coach up S. Pioneer Road, past what is now the Depreciation Lands Museum entrance. To see more of Jonathan’s writing or to send him a comment, contact him below. [email protected] Facebook: Ravencrest Historical Writing

Step Back In Time

Boiled dinner

Rediscovering 18th-Century Boiled Dinners By Kimberly Chaffee, BA-English, PLCGS -American Records As the warmth of spring breathes new life into the Depreciation Lands Museum, we eagerly anticipate the reopening of our historic cabin for the season on May 5th. With the return of visitors and the gentle hum of curiosity, the art of 18th-century cooking is once again cherished and practiced. Stepping into our humble cabin is akin to stepping back in time, where the flicker of the hearth and the aroma of hearty meals transport us to an era steeped in tradition and simplicity. And what better way to celebrate this historical journey than by inviting you, our esteemed guests, to witness the creation of the culinary delights of the late 18th and early 19th centuries? Our dedicated docents will chop, stir, and recreate cooking in a frontier kitchen throughout the season, wielding time-honored techniques and recipes passed down through generations. Among the many culinary treasures of this bygone era, you may get your chance to witness the cooking of the beloved boiled dinner. Originating from the hearths of early American settlers, boiled dinners were not merely sustenance but a testament to resourcefulness and communal feasting. Traditional boiled dinners used corned beef. Corned beef does not have corn added to it. Instead, the salting process became known as “corning” due to the size of the salt crystals used to preserve the beef. Boiled Dinner (serves 2) Two pounds of corned beef (or smoked ham, beef roast, or pork butt) Two large potatoes, quartered A small cabbage, quartered Four carrots, cut into pieces Two yellow onions, quartered One Tablespoon of stone-ground mustard One Tablespoon of peppercorns 1/2 Teaspoon thyme One Teaspoon parsley Salt and pepper to taste Place everything in a large kettle and fill 1/2 way with water. Add salt only if you are using a beef roast. Bring everything to a boil, cover, then simmer for about three hours or until meat is tender. Drain or lift the meat and vegetables out of the pot before serving. Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast, a history buff, or simply curious about frontier cooking, we invite you to embrace the sights, sounds, and smells of 18th-century cooking at the museum this season. **Sorry, we cannot offer bites or tastes of our cabin fare.

The Timeless Tradition of Lard

Crocks Sealed with Butter

A Journey Through History and Preservation by Kimberly Chaffee As summer days passed and fall was nearing, our post-revolutionary brethren started to look toward food preservation for the long winter months ahead. Often, people ate small game animals such as pheasants and rabbits within hours of killing them. However, larger animals like pigs needed preserving. Therefore, they learned how to keep more significant cuts of meat through various techniques. Lard, a versatile and time-honored culinary fat derived from rendered pork fat, was cherished for its unique properties that enhanced flavor and texture and extended the shelf life of various foods. Throughout the medieval era, lard remained a staple in European kitchens and monastic communities. Monks and cooks utilized it in various preservation techniques, such as potting and confits. Potting Potting involves placing cooked meats or fish into pots and covering them with a layer of lard, effectively sealing and safeguarding the contents for future consumption. Similarly, confits, mainly made with duck or goose, were slow-cooked in their fat before being submerged in lard. This practice ensured helped sustain them during times of scarcity. As Europeans colonized the Americas, they brought pigs and rendered their fat to preserve food. Rendering is the process used to extract lard from fatty tissue. The tissue or meat is simmered until the fat becomes melted.   In recent years, interest in traditional culinary practices has been resurgent, and lard has reclaimed a place in modern kitchens. Many chefs and home cooks appreciate lard’s rich flavor and unique cooking properties. While its role in preservation has diminished due to contemporary preservation techniques, it remains a beloved ingredient in various recipes, contributing to the authenticity and nostalgia of traditional dishes. When visiting the museum, be sure to stop by the log house and talk with our interpreter Carol about making potted beef.     Potted Beef Receipt Cook beef until it falls apart. Add 1/3 weight of the beef in butter. Shred beef and then pound it into a paste. Season it with salt, pepper, and mace or nutmeg. Heat oven 200° -250° and fill pots or jars to 1″ below lip with beef paste. Bake for 20-30 minutes. While still hot, pour clarified butter over the top to seal. Continue to add butter until completely cool.