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Depreciation Lands Museum
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Classes and Lectures at DLM

Explore history through our Lectures and hands-on classes!

--- All classes and lectures require pre-paid registration. Attendance limited ---


Weaving on a Floor Loom

-- for Beginner and Intermediate Weavers

Weaving on Table Looms

-- for the very Beginner

Exploring Weave structures on Table and Floor Looms

-- for Intermediate weavers


Learn to spin With a Spinnning Wheel


History Lecture: The American French Alliance

Watch for more classes such as New Volunteer Training, Drop Spindle spinning and Basket weaving later this year!

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For more information, email DLMuseum@gmail.com or call (412) 486-0563 and leave a message.

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Copyright: 2023 Depreciation Lands Museum